Village life
Great photo that I can't take credit for because someone else on our team took it
(probably Kristen - nice shot!)

PNG Bible Church in one of the villages
Another church further away out in the bush
Stem shows us his slingshot skills
Sister and brother (I think)
Play merion - a game we learned from the kids
The local school
The 10 commandments hanging in the classroom
Grade 6 covenant
Down by the riverside
The kids loved having their picture taken... in front of an election poster...
...and they really liked seeing their picture on the digital camara!
Or on the camcorder!
Photo from our last visit to the villages
1 comment:
Hi Michael, Tina & Bene sent me the link to your blog, since they read my blog on a regular basis, too.
I browsed your blog back to the very beginnings and liked everything very much.
Your time out with NTM looks like a real blessed time (friends of mine have been on short time with NTM in Brasil) and you took great photos.
I liked to get known to you a bit - will be back and waiting for new posts :-)
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