This next series of photos is all about the campus, which is where we lived, studied, ate and had fun together. Living conditions weren't bad at all, we had nice little cabins to live in and even had electricity, flushing toilets and running hot and cold water from the tap! Only thing that was a bit different was the bucket shower, where you fill up a bucket with water pull it up on a string and then slide the base of the bucket so that holes open up and the water comes out! But hey, it works!
The cabins we lived in

Inside cabin 10 - the tidiest (at least of the guys' cabins)

The bucket shower!!

7.30 am prayer focus with my German cabin mates Simon & Jörg
Doug a.k.a. "Tribal Schaible" teaches us about Pidgin English (
Tok Pisin). We had plenty of other classes addressing the various issues, such as: chronological Bible teaching, phonetics, language classes, culture classes, mapping, church planting, linguistics, Bible translation, syncretism, discipleship etc.

Sunday morning worship on campus

Crocodile meat on the menu!
Round the camp fire
Zachaeus fits the bamboo string onto one of our bows

Time for shooting practice
Ben can't believe Caleb had to shoot his arrow up that tree...
Playing volleyball
Rugby - what were the rules again?
Oh, just try to get the ball over the line!
The Germans: Simon, Willi, Alena, Simple, me & Jörg
(serious pros at saying "Streichholzschächtelchen")

The guys

Group picture - the students

Group picture - staff & students
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