Thursday, 15 April 2021

Oye la Palabra de Dios - A new podcast in Spanish about the message of the Bible


Last weekend I started a podcast for sharing the message of the Bible with Spanish-speaking people.
The podcast is intended to help people understand God and His message to us better. I would like to provide an overview over the contents and basic doctrines of the Bible for anyone who has heard nothing or only very little from God’s Word. But it is also my aim to provide deeper study for believers in order to strengthen and encourage them in their faith and in their walk with the Lord. 
It is my prayer that these recordings would be a blessing to many.
Perhaps you know some people who speak Spanish with whom you can share the podcast. 
The name of the podcast is “Oye la Palabra de Dios” (Hear the Word of God) and can be found on


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