This year's Bible verse comes from Luke 18:27 where Jesus says:
The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
What a wonderful verse for the new year! As I look ahead to another year, I can see some things which, from a human perspective, are simply impossible. But I want to at least attempt to do what I believe God is calling me to do, even if, from my own point of view, I would have to say, "There is just no way this is going to work out!" All I can really rely on is God's Word, and that is enough for me. God has never failed me and I have always found His Word to be true. Actually, I would rather base my decisions on the unfallible Word of God than on my own reasoning. I am convinced that God can do the impossible for those who completely trust in Him.
In the context of the above verse, Jesus is talking about how difficult it is for a rich person to enter into the kingdom of God. And he says that it is so difficult that it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye!
Talk about impossible! But there is nothing impossible for God. After all, He is the One who made this whole universe and all that is in it out of nothing! Maybe it's time we all learned to look beyond our own limitations and trust God to do the impossible our lives - in 2009 and beyond...
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