Most of my time in Mexico I was not a tourist. The main reason for going to Mexico was to help with the construction of a training centre for Mexicans who want to learn more about God's word. I was working with a team of about 15 people from Canada, the Netherlands and various U.S. states (Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington). We worked weekdays from about 6.30 am to about 1.30 pm in very hot temparatures. My alarm clock also shows the temparature and I put it out one day and it said 41.1°C (106°F)! It was so hot that you didn't even sweat properly because the sweat immediately dried up! The main work we were doing was mixing cement and pouring the concrete floor for a big multi-purpose building that is to be built at the training centre to be used as a gym, conference centre and classrooms. In addition to that, we were digging trenches for pipelines, whitewashing buildings, moving beds, furniture, tools, equipment and materials around, mowing lawns, etc. Lots of work, but sure worth it!
The new multi-purpose building
Working on the building
Filling the cement mixer
Wheelbarrowing the cement
Pouring the cement
Digging trenches
Check the temparature in the bottom right corner!
Anyone thirsty?
The work team